Sabera Florist


Is it safe to order flowers online using my credit card?
Our site is a 100% Safe Verisign secured Company. Customers Credit Card information cannot be accessed by any third party.

How can I pay?
We accept all major credit cards like Mastercard, Visa and American Express and many others. This is the quickest mode of payment and totally secure through our web-site.

How do I place an order?
Please go ahead and click on the buy icon of the item you wish to send and proceed with the form that follows and the online credit card payment thereafter. We will proceed with your delivery and intimate confirmation of the same to you.

How do you deliver?
We represent a vast network of local florists, who actually provide the flowers and take care of local delivery. We forward orders received to our associate florist in the locality of the recipient. All our member florists are skilled and work with quality materials.

Where do you deliver?
We deliver to all destinations listed on the Location page.

What are the delivery charges?
The prices stated on our website are inclusive of all charges. There are no extra charges for deliveries within the city limits. There are also no hidden charges or costs attached.

When can you deliver?
We can deliver on the same day within a few hours to most destinations. However, we recommend that you order a day in advance if possible. Our delivery time is from 8 AM to 8 PM.

What about the Privacy of my information?
We consider the privacy of our customers very important. We are in the business of serving you, not selling your information. Your name, address information, and credit card information are collected only to fulfill your order. We will occasionally send email to our customers notifying them of special promotions or significant changes to our web site. If you do not wish to have notifications sent to you, just send us an email with “Do not send me email” as the subject.

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